On some computer proofs

From here you can get a PDF file (119 Kb, created on July 6, 2015) containing a draft version of D. Skordev's paper “On the Computer Proof of a Result in the Abstract Theory of Segments”. The paper has been presented at the conference “First St. Petersburg Days of LOGIC and COMPUTABILITY”, May 26–29, 1999, dedicated to N. A. Shanin. Its abstract can be found via the conference abstracts server and, with the first two corrections mentioned below and supplemented with a small addendum, also here (with a slightly different layout). Some other related information (in HTML format) is also available.

Remark. In the text on the abstracts server, the words “Prodanov’s proof” in the second paragraph must be replaced with “a proof given by Dimiter Vakarelov”, and the Internet link for the first item in the references section should be replaced now with the following one:
The above-mentioned draft version of Skordev's paper is obtained from the initial one (which is from March 1999) by the same replacements (and a small change in the last paragraph on page 4 made in connection with the first of them), by skipping an outdated link and by the correction of several misprints (in particular, a replacement of “Problem 3” with “Problem 2” was done in the last paragraph on page 4). The initial version is still accessible – as a DVI file and a Postscript file.