Department of Mathematical Logic and Applications

English version Bulgarian version

Effective properties of abstract structures


Bulgarian participants

Foreign participants

Published papers

  1. R. Alvir, W. Calvert, G. Goodman, V. Harizanov, J. Knight, A. Morozov, R. Miller, A. Soskova, R. Weisshaar, Interpreting a field in its Heisenberg group, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2021, (doi)

  2. Alexandra Soskova, Effective embedding and interpretations, Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 11, Issue 10, November 2021 “Descriptive Set Theory and Computable Topology” (21461), Mathieu Hoyrup, Arno Pauly, Victor Selivanov, and Mariya I. Soskova eds. 2021 (doi)

  3. Ivan Georgiev, Uniform Limits of Conditionally Computable Real Functions. In: Higher-order Complexity Theory and its Applications, Eds. Bruce M. Kapron, Akitoshi Kawamura, Florian Steinberg. NII Shonan Meeting Report, No. 15, National Institute of Informatics, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2019

  4. R. Dimitrov, V. Harizanov, A. Morozov, P. Shafer, A. Soskova, S. Vatev, On cohesive powers of linear orders, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2023, vol. 88 (3), pp. 947 - 1004 (doi)

  5. Ivan Georgiev, Interplay between patterns of zeros and the complexity of Dedekind cuts, Computability, 2024, vol. 13 (2), pp. 135 - 159 (doi)

Talks at conferences and seminars

  1. Ivan Georgiev, Uniform Limits of Conditionally Computable Real Function. Seminar No, 15, Higher-order Complexity Theory and its Applications, Shonan Village Center, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, October 7 - 10, 2019.

  2. Alexandra Soskova, Effective coding and decoding in graphs and linear orderings, National Coding Theory Workshop, Dedicated to Professor Stefan Dodunekov, Chiflik village, Bulgaria, November 21-24, 2019.

  3. Stefan Vatev, Computable embeddings for pairs of structures. The First Workshop on Digitalization and Computable Models. Novosibirsk, Russia, December 16-20, 2019.

  4. Alexandra A. Soskova, Coding and decoding in classes of structures, UW Logic Seminar 2020, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, February 4, 2020.

  5. Stefan Vatev, Computable embeddings for ordinals and their reverses, Computability in Europe 2020, 29 June - 2 July 2020, (online).

  6. Alexandra Soskova, Effective embeddings and interpretations, Computable Theory and Applications Seminar, 20 October 2020 (online).

  7. Alexandra Soskova, Effective coding and decoding in classes of structures, 3rd World Logic Day, Seminar of Algebra and Logic, BAS, joint meeting with the Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Logic and its Applications of FMI, SU and the Seminar of Logic at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS, 15 February 2021(online).

  8. Alexandra Soskova, Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders, Spring Scientific Conference, FMI, SU, 27 March 2021 (in Bulgarian, online).

  9. Stefan Vatev, Effective embeddings for pairs of structures, Spring Scientific Conference, FMI, SU, 27 March, 2021 (in Bulgarian, online).

  10. Alexandra Soskova, Effective coding and decoding in classes of structures, Malt’sev meeting 2021, Novosibirsk. Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Sergey Goncharov, September 20-24, 2021 (online).

  11. Alexandra Soskova, Effective embedding and interpretations, Dagstuhl Seminar 2021 “Descriptive Set Theory and Computable Topology” (21461), Germany, November 14-19, 2021.

  12. Ivan Georgiev, On the computational complexity of some representations of irrational numbers, 4th World Logic Day, Seminar of Algebra and Logic, BAS, joint meeting with the Seminar of the Department of Mat hematical Logic and its Applications of FMI, SU and the Seminar of Logic at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS, 14 January 2021 (online).

  13. Alexandra Soskova, Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders, UW Logic Seminar, Madison Wisconsin, USA, 14 February, 2022.

  14. Stefan Vatev, Effective embeddings for classes of structures via enumeration operators, Computability Theory and Applications Seminar, Technical university, Vienna, 27 April, 2022.

  15. Ivan Georgiev, Comparing the complexity of irrational number representations, Mal’tsev Meeting, Novosibirsk, November 14-18, 2022.