- Semantics of the Programming languages. Guide, Alexandra Soskova and Stela Nikolova, 2008 Softex Sofia.
- Theory of programs in problems, Alexandra Soskova and Stela Nikolova, 2000 Softex Sofia.
- Coding in graphs and linear orderings, Julia Knight, Alexandra Soskova, Stefan Vatev, accepted for publication by The Journal of Symbolic Logic.
- Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders,
Rumen Dimitrov, Valentina Harizanov, Andrey Morozov, Paul Shafer, Alexandra Soskova, Stefan Vatev, Computing with Foresight and Industry, CiE 2019, EDS. Florin Manea, Barnaby Martin, Daniel Paulusma, Giuseppe Primiero, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11558 (2019) 168-180.
- On cototality and the skip operator in the enumeration degrees,
Uri Andrews, Hristo Ganchev, Ruitger Kuyper, Steffen Lempp, Joseph S. Miller, Alexandra Soskova, and Mariya Soskova,
The Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 372 (3) (2019) 1631-1670.
- Strong Jump Inversion, Wesley Calvert, Andrey Frolov, Valentina Harizanov, Julia Knight Charley McCoy, Alexandra Soskova and Stefan Vatev, Journal of Logic and Computation, 28 (7) (2018) 1499-1522.
- S. Barry Cooper (1943-2015), Richard Elwes, Andy Lewis-Pye, Benedikt Loewe, Dugald Macpherson, Dag Normann, Alexandra A. Soskova, Mariya I. Soskova, Peter van Emde Boas, Stan Wainer, Computability, 7 (2-3) (2018) 103-131.
- To Dimiter Skordev from his students, Alexandra Soskova, Lyubomir Ivanov and Ivan Georgiev, Proceedings of the 46th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, Bulgaria, (2017) 52-62.
- Enumeration Reducibility and Computable Structure Theory, Alexandra Soskova and Mariya Soskova, Computability and Complexity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10010 (2016) 271-301.
- Generalization of the notion of jump sequence of sets for sequences of structures, Alexandra Soskova, Stefan Vatev and Alexander Terziivanov, Proceedings of PLS10, 2015, Eds. C. Dimitracopolous and T. Phiedas, University of Aegean Press, (2015) 25-29.
- Quasi-minimal degrees for degree spectra, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Journal of Logic and Computation, 23 (6) (2013) 1319-1334.
- Some applications of the
Jump Inversion theorem, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic
Logic Symposium (Patra, Greece), Eds. C. Drossos, P. Peppas, C.
Tsinakis, (2009) 157-161.
- A jump
inversion theorem for the degree spectra Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Journal of
Logic and Computation,19 (2009) 199-215.
- Omega Spectra, Alexandra Soskova, Logic and Theory
of Algorithms, CiE 2008, Athens, Eds. A. Beckman, C. Dimitracopoulos, B.
Loewe, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5028 (2008) 544-553.
- A jump inversion theorem for the degree
spectra, Alexandra Soskova, Computation and Logic in the Real World,
CiE2007, (Siena), Eds S.B.Cooper, B. Loewe, A. Sorbi, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
4497 (2007) 716-726.
- Relativized Degree Spectra, Alexandra Soskova, Journal
of Logic and Computation, 17 (2007) Oxford University
Press, 1215-1234.
- Jump spectra of abstract
structure, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Logic
Symposium (Volos, Greece) (2007) 114-117.
- Relativized Degree Spectra, Alexandra Soskova,Logical
Approaches to Computational Barriers, CiE 2006, (Swansea), Eds. S.B.Cooper,
U. Berger, B. Loewe, J. V. Tucker, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 33988 (2005)
- Minimal Pairs and Quasi-Minimal Degrees for
the Joint Spectra of Structures, Alexandra Soskova,CiE 2005, (Amsterdam),New
Computational Paradigms, Eds. S.B.Cooper, B. Loewe, L.
Torenvliet, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3526 (2005)
451- 460.
- Properties Co-spectra of joint spectra of structures, Alexandra Soskova, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 97 (2005) 15-32.
- Co-spectra of joint spectra of structures, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 96 (2004) 35-44.
- Co-spectra of Joint Spectra of a sequence of structures , Alexandra Soskova, Proceeding of the 4th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (Thessaloniki, Greece) (2003) 175-179.
- Abstract data types - computability and effectiveness, Alexandra Soskova, Proceeding of the 2nd Panhellenic Logic Symposium (Delphi, Greece) Eds. Phokion Kolaitis, George Kolestos (1999) 186-190.
- Admissibility in Sigma^0_n enumerations, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Ann. Univ. Sofia, 90 (1999) 77 - 90.
- Effective structures, Alexandra Soskova, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (1997) 235-250.
- An external approach to Abstract Data Types I: Computability on ADT, Alexandra Soskova, Ann. Univ. Sofia 87 (1993) 47-59.
- Effective enumerations of abstract structures, Alexandra Soskova and Ivan Soskov, Heyting'88 (P. Petkov, ed.), Plenum Press, (1990) 361-372.
- Effective abstract structures, Alexandra Soskova, Compt. rend. de l'Acad. bulg. Sci. 43 (1990) 5-8.
- Computability on many-sorted partial structures, Alexandra Soskova, Compt. rend. de l'Acad. bulg. Sci. 43 (1990) 9-11.